


anna joy said...

what the hell is even happening

Gracie said...

That's one sweet dress...wow.

Okay, so you're probably like, who is this girl sitting here commenting on *my* blog using *my* name?

(read the following in a good Al-Anon voice.) "Hi, I'm Gracie...I'm 18 and I live in Getalife, Eurasia. I came to this group because Anna Joy took pictures of my bestie girlie's cuz's wedding and we both became believers. Believers in photography, that is. And I was taken aback with your name, as it is mine as well, and I glanced at your blog and saw that amazing picture and felt led to leave a creepy comment. Or, not creepy, I guess...just a wow comment. O-kay."

Thank you for your time. If there's anything I can do to help you and your family work through the next few months of reaction period, please don't hesitate to call.


Anonymous said...

that's my wedding, dress, how'd you get this?!?!?

How I found your blog was because, it said that you commented, and then deleted, a long, long, long, time ago, and I was going through my blog, stuff and found, out that I wish I could have the read, the comment, that became, erased, because, I really, really, loved what you've been writing. I can definitely see, how much that God's been using, your heart. And that's an awesome, definitely, awesome, thing to witness.
BY the way, if this didn't make sense, at least we've got the dress in common. :D
Keep writing, it's really a blessing, for others, I am sure of it. even if they don't comment, at least recording, that you're growing, is so helpful, love in Christ, you sister, kelseyy....